If you are a nonimmigrant who is interested in attending a U.S. educational institution or is currently a student in the U.S. Our firm has a division devoted solely to students, exchange visitors, and trainees (physicians seeking residency and internships) that will help you select the institutions in the State of your choice, assist you in obtaining admission, and assist you in obtaining the required student or training visa.
Service includes preparation and filing of applications, including collections of necessary school transcripts; advise and counsel on requirements for student, exchange, trainee visas; representation in obtaining student visas, including advise and counsel in complying with student visa requirements; Change of Status; Extension of Stay; Reinstatement of Status.
Additional services include advice on obtaining employment during and after completion of studies/ training.
Call us or email at [email protected] or contact us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/PeterLoblackLaw/